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Open Houses Temporarily Suspended

In response to recent COVID-19 developments, The Gove Group is suspending open houses at all subdivisions, including The Villages at Three Ponds, through the end of March. During this time we will continue to conduct private showings as requested, and service our clients and customers to the best of our ability.

Our agents and staff are following CDC guidelines with regard to COVID-19 precautions including frequent hand washing, disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, and avoiding close contact with others. We ask that buyers and sellers, as well as our agents, be cognizant and stay home if they are not feeling well. We will continue to keep a close eye on new COVID-19 developments and reassess as necessary.

With interest rates historically low, and other investment opportunities unpredictable, there is no better time to buy real estate. If you are willing and ready to purchase and/or sell property, we are standing by and equipped to provide our services.

Wishing you all good health, safety, and comfort.

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